Dr Bryce Fleming

With over 16 years of experience, Dr Fleming is a sought-after chiropractor, wellness author and speaker.

Dr Bryce Fleming, a well-respected chiropractor, keynote wellness speaker, author, and developer of the highly acclaimed Wellness From Home program. With over 16 years of experience, Dr Fleming has dedicated his life to helping individuals and families achieve their best health and wellness.

As a chiropractor, Dr Fleming is known for his ability to help his patients look, feel and perform at their best. He uses his extensive knowledge to help people of all ages, from mums and bubs to busy, to professional athletes to business professionals, to find the root cause of their health challenges and develop personalised programs for improved health and function. He believes in empowering his patients with the tools they need to take control of their spine and their health, helping them to achieve their goals.

In addition to his chiropractic practice, Dr Fleming is also a sought-after keynote wellness speaker, inspiring audiences with his message of health and wellness. He has been featured on TEDx, NBN television and in The Herald, and has been interviewed on Rhema FM, The Wellness Couch, That Paleo Show, and more. He has also had the opportunity to present alongside leading health experts during the Paleo Way tour to crowds well of thousands of people, further solidifying his reputation as a thought-leader in the field.

As the developer of the Wellness From Home program, Dr Fleming has made it his mission to help individuals achieve optimal health and wellness, regardless of where they live. He believes that everyone should have access to the tools and resources they need to live a healthy and fulfilling life, and the Wellness From Home program provides just that. With this program, Dr Fleming has helped countless people to improve their health, reduce pain, and increase their energy levels, all from the comfort of their own homes.

Dr Fleming is an exceptional chiropractor and wellness expert, with a passion for helping others achieve their best health. He is dedicated to empowering his patients with the knowledge and tools they need to take control of their health, and his expertise and commitment to wellness make him an invaluable asset to the Alignment Chiropractic team. If you're looking to achieve optimal health and wellness, look no further than Dr Bryce Fleming.

Book your appointment today and start your journey to better health!

(02) 7204 3087